
The future of the British broadcasting industry?

This is something I wrote many months ago as part of my entry for the Edinburgh TV Festival FastTrack Scheme - I was subsequently offered a place on the scheme.

Of all the hyped new technologies in TV, which is most likely to survive?

Since the days of Napster millions of people have turned away from traditional methods of content delivery to the dynamic and versatile routes offered by the internet. Whether bittorrenting, Video Podcasting or IPTV the quality and range of media continues to grow exponentially - there is already a HD show produced specifically for an internet audience. I do not have a “TV” yet I consume many hours of current TV per week; on my PDA, my Ipod, and my Laptop - anything, anytime, anywhere. With technical convergance and compatability comes an increased ability to create your own schedule and this ability will persist and increase.

The Next 5 Years: The biggest challenge facing the UK broadcasting industry.

As multichannel homes increase and content is downloaded from a wider range of sources there will be a loss of advertising revenue and broadcaster/brand recognition. In this “third age of broadcasting” we must be protective of our brands and IP, rights will need to be carefully managed but at the same time allow the audience to be creative and interact with content as this will add value. Brand recognition is more crucial than ever An on-demand world will expose British broadcasters to increased competition from those who are global, rich and already organised for the digital age, and industries, public institutions, libraries, museums and “bedroom broadcasters” who are entering the digital broadcast territory.

- Paul Williams 2006

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